Pravasi Education centre
Opp:, Payancheri Mukku,Block Development Office, Iritty,kannur, Kerala 670703
When you make a purchase, we strive to ensure that the product you receive matches the one displayed in the picture. However, please note that there might be minor variations in color, design, or specifications due to the resolution of your screen or slight changes from the manufacturer. Rest assured, any such differences do not affect the overall quality and functionality of the product. If the item you receive is significantly different from the image shown, please contact our customer service team for assistance.
You can view your sales receipt by logging into your account on our website or mobile app. Once logged in, navigate to the 'Order History' or 'Purchase History' section where you will find a list of your past orders. Click on the relevant order to view its details. Within the order details page, there should be an option to view, download, or print your sales receipt. If you are unable to locate your sales receipt or encounter any issues, please contact our customer service team for further assistance.
1. Click on the order to view its details, then select the item(s) you want to return.
2. Choose the reason for the return from the options provided. If necessary, you may also add additional comments in the space provided to explain the reason for the return.
3. Confirm your return request by following the on-screen instructions.
Once your return request is processed, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed, including information about the return shipping label and where to send the item.
Please ensure that the item is in its original condition, with all tags attached, and that it is packaged securely to prevent damage during transit. Also, be aware of the return policy's time frame, as returns are typically accepted within a specific period after purchase.
We are committed to maintaining a robust selection of products for our customers. If you would like to receive notifications about the restocking of a particular item, please subscribe to our restock alerts on the product page or contact our customer service team for more information regarding availability. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to check back periodically for updates on inventory status.